Introducing Free Adaptive MT
in Matecat

Matecat now uses ModernMT's adaptive neural MT model as its default MT engine, giving everyone access to adaptive MT for their translations.

Translators using the adaptive MT model in Matecat have increased their productivity by up to four times in the last seven years.

Users with sophisticated needs can get advanced analytics, advanced glossary features, and optimization capabilities with paid ModernMT licenses.

Rome – May 7, 2024

We are pleased to announce a groundbreaking update to our open-source Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tool, Matecat. This update integrates ModernMT's adaptive neural machine translation (MT) model as the default MT engine, available for free to all logged-in users.

Designed from the ground up to increase translator productivity, Matecat now takes the translation process to a new level by providing users with MT matches that improve in real time.
The MT suggestions are now refined with each correction and each uploaded translation memory, as well as being adapted to the user’s style and the style of the project they are working on. With adaptive MT, translators no longer have to keep making the same corrections, can work faster with more appropriate, context-specific suggestions, and can focus more on the nuances that make the difference to overall quality.

Since 2017, Translated has been using ModernMT's adaptive MT system for all its larger enterprise clients’ most challenging projects. Following the merger with ModernMT, Translated has integrated adaptive machine translation across its entire offering. This technology has enabled Translated to improve the quality of its translations and reduce the turnaround time for its clients.
Data collected during this period shows that translators working with Translated and using adaptive MT suggestions in Matecat have registered an increase in productivity of up to 4 times while improving the quality of the translations performed. By giving translators free access to ModernMT's adaptive MT model in Matecat, Translated has been able to attract the best translators and expand its network of collaborators to over 500,000 linguists worldwide.

Adaptive machine translation has been a huge step forward for Translated and for the localization industry. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to access this sophisticated technology, which combines the accuracy of a translation model with the fluency of a large language model. We're confident that adaptive MT technology will help our entire industry produce better translations and increase productivity.
Marco Trombetti – Translated's CEO

Bringing Adaptive MT to Minority Languages

We believe that ModernMT's adaptive MT system, which combines the accuracy of a translation model with the fluency of a large language model, will help our entire industry meet the challenges that lie ahead. This includes extending AI support to minority languages. Thanks to the structure of ModernMT’s models, a small number of corrections can very quickly improve the overall quality of MT suggestions for all users. Allowing everyone to contribute to the correction of MT suggestions in minority languages will soon make it possible to translate into languages that are currently overlooked.

The full integration of ModernMT into Matecat is the realization of a vision we had back in 2010. Translators are the backbone of the language industry, and equipping them with the most advanced AI solution to improve their productivity is fundamental to our mission of allowing everyone to understand and be understood in their own language.
Isabelle Andrieu – Translated's Chairwoman

Adaptive MT Features

All Matecat users now have free access to ModernMT within Matecat, which comes with MyMemory (the world’s largest translation memory) preloaded. It includes context awareness for up to 100,000 words and supports 200 languages. Users with specific requirements, such as language service providers, organizations, and professionals working in critical scenarios including legal or medical translation can continue to use their licenses or purchase a license from ModernMT for more advanced features, including advanced glossary functionality, adaptivity in pretranslation, and optimized use of TMs based on the content being translated to maximize translation quality.

Matecat is available for free at with ModernMT active by default.

About Matecat

Matecat was the first web-based, open-source, AI-powered CAT tool, a pioneer in the integration of MT back in 2015. It is the commercial version of the open-source CAT tool developed as part of an EU-funded research project conducted by Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Translated, the University of Edinburgh, and the Université du Maine.

About ModernMT

ModernMT’s adaptive MT system was originally part of the Matecat research project, recognized as one of the most successful AI initiatives funded by the European Commission, before becoming a stand-alone research proposal. It was first developed by a consortium of Translated, FBK, the University of Edinburgh, and TAUS, funded by the EU, and later commercialized by a newly formed company that merged with Translated two years ago.

Translate Faster and Better
With ModernMT's Adaptive MT

Just log in to Matecat, upload a file, and start translating with adaptive MT.

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