Nautical Leaders Wanted: Translated Seeking Skipper and Team Manager for Round-The-World Race

Pair will Captain Translated 9’s Novice Crew during Ocean Globe Race 2023

ROME, May 26th, 2021

Translated, a company that combines human creativity and machine intelligence to craft quality translations at speed, has two highly unusual job openings. It is looking for a seasoned skipper and experienced team manager to lead the crew of the Translated 9, which will race around the world as part of the Ocean Globe Race 2023 (OGR23).

The race will commemorate the 50th anniversary of an epic competition, the Whitbread Round the World Race. The route embarks from Europe and traverses the Southern Hemisphere and will take months to complete. What will make the new skipper and team manager’s jobs even more challenging than piloting a small craft across a vast ocean is that they will be leading a mostly novice crew -- some 70 percent will be new to sailing -- in a Swan 65 boat that was built in 1974, using pre-Internet technology, meaning no GPS or mobile tools for navigation or modern weather technology.

Interested parties can apply on the Translated 9 website, by clicking the “Join the crew” button on the home page through June 15 to fill out a questionnaire and post a resume. Besides extensive nautical experience, the ideal skipper and team manager will possess a great sense of adventure and desire to lead. The perks of the job include being part of a historic race and milestone event that embodies the best of humankind through dedication, courage and endurance.

The skipper and team manager will help select and train the new crew which will take place in two continents. The job starts in early summer with crew selection and training off the coast of Rome, to build teamwork, experience, and reach the qualifying nautical miles necessary to participate in the regatta.

Another group will train starting in September on a twin boat moored on the coast of San Francisco, lead by legendary sailor Paul Cayard.

Rome-based Translated wants to field a crew that represents the world of translation, spanning localization experts, translators, linguists and executives involved in global markets. The unifying feature will be that the crew shares a desire to build bridges between cultures and lift language barriers.

“This two-pronged training program on opposite sides of the globe will ensure that all members of the localization community who wish to join the project can participate,” says Marco Trombetti, CEO of Translated, who founded the company alongside Isabelle Andrieu.

The skipper and team manager’s positions will last for approximately three years, as the race finishes in April 2024. The novice men and women who join the crew will be on board for approximately 50-day legs, making the job an ideal work sabbatical.

About Translated

Translated is a translation company that pioneered the use of artificial intelligence to help professional translators. It was founded in 1999 by computer scientist Marco Trombetti and linguist Isabelle Andrieu and has always been focused on a powerful combination of human creativity and machine intelligence to craft consistent quality translations at speed. Today, it is one of the most successful online translation companies in the world, with 180,000 clients, offering translation in 177 languages in 40 areas of expertise. Translated has been rewarded on several occasions, including the TAUS Innovation Contest. In 2015, the European Commission recognized Translated’s CAT tool Matecat as one of the best AI research projects of the previous 7 years. In 2017, Financial Times included Translated as one of Europe's fastest-growing companies.

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